
Albuquerque, July 23—The Republican Party of New Mexico is denouncing Gov. Lujan Grisham for ignoring the ongoing crisis at the Southern border.
In the first two weeks of July, there was a 900% increase in the number of illegal immigrants testing positive for COVID-19. This crisis continues to threaten the health and well-being of New Mexicans.
It’s shameful that our Governor sits idle while other states respond.
Now Maine has announced it’s sending its National Guard to help agents with the surge of migrants trying to enter the United States. Maine will deploy 125 troops to the Mexico border.
The fact that the National Guard from Maine—some 2,500 miles away–is going to the Southern border while New Mexico’s governor does nothing is shocking and inexcusable.
“Gov. Lujan Grisham is turning her head when it comes to the open floodgates at the border, but this crisis is impacting her constituents and our way of life,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “People are pouring into our country without criminal background checks, proper health checks and not even getting masks. These migrants are also taking away benefits and jobs from New Mexicans. The Biden administration’s catch and release policy is in place as border crossings spike. Our Governor continues to do nothing, but states thousands of miles away understand this ongoing crisis and what’s at stake. Maine’s governor gets it, but Gov. Lujan Grisham doesn’t. It’s inexplicable.”
The Governors of Texas and Arizona have already sent hundreds of their National Guard troops to help agents deal with the border crisis.
Last month saw the largest surge of people trying to cross the border in years.
The Republican Party of New Mexico (RPNM) advances the ideals of individual liberties for the advancement of its citizens and the greater prosperity of our communities throughout New Mexico. Led by an Executive Board and its Chairman, former NM Congressman Steve Pearce, RPNM serves all New Mexicans via its headquarters in Albuquerque and can be contacted at (505) 298-3662.
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